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447 Hunter St., Woodstock, ON N4S 4G7

Ways to Give

Make an online gift on our website at It’s quick and it’s easy!

Become a monthly donor and support the work of United Way year-round. You can set up your recurring payments on our website at or by calling our office at 519-539-3851.

Is your company running a United Way employee campaign? Make an online donation at and have it attributed to your organization’s campaign total.


Join a dynamic community

Oxford County residents have been deeply affected by COVID-19 and inflation rates and need your support. Make a Leadership gift of $1,200+ to help address affordable housing supports, food insecurity, youth mentorship and mental health programs in Oxford County so that those in need don’t fall further behind.

For more information about Leadership Giving, call 519-539-3851 ext. 313.

Legacy Giving

To donate a gift of securities, please complete the Charitable Gift of Securities Form and return it to or call our office at 519-539-3851. We will be happy to work with you and your broker.

Donate items that support us and United Way funded agencies in delivering vital programs and services to the community. There is a need for many different types of supplies in our community, as well as opportunities to support local events throughout the year. For more details on arranging your in-kind donation, please call our office at 519-539-3851 or

Leaving a legacy gift to United Way Oxford through an estate gift is an extraordinary statement of your generosity and commitment to “future-proofing” our community. When you make plans to leave a legacy gift, you are acknowledging the unignorable issues that impact our community today while ensuring that those issues continue to be addressed tomorrow and into the future. A legacy gift to United Way continues giving beyond your lifetime and ensures that your generosity benefits our community for generations to come.

If you have included a legacy gift to United Way Oxford in your estate plans, or would like to talk to us about leaving a legacy gift, please let us know.

For a confidential discussion about including United Way Oxford in your Will and other donation options please contact our office at 519-539-3851 or