Homelessness happens here, in our community. Home vacancy rates are less than 1% in Oxford County, making it difficult for anyone to secure housing. When you compound the availability of housing with the cost of rental apartments, many are forced to wait years before affordable housing becomes available, leaving them with nowhere else to go.
This is how Miranda found herself homeless.
There are times throughout Miranda’s life where she has slept on the street or was living in her car – without a place to feel safe and call home. It started when she was just a teenager. Her mental health and addiction struggles made it difficult for her to live with family or friends and finding an affordable place to live was next to impossible. Once she was accepted into subsidized housing, she was able to start on a new path, working through her social anxiety, depression and self-destructive behaviour’s. However, because of a hoarding disorder, her landlord started threatening eviction. The fear of losing here home pushed Miranda to reach out for further help.
After being connected to a counsellor and a housing stability support worker, Miranda is making incredible progress. “I feel comfortable talking to Jade and I could never have got to this point on my own. It feels so good to get here. I’m not where I need to be yet, but I am getting there”.
Now, Miranda is receiving counselling support for her mental health struggles and housing support to help meet the requirements of the tenancy landlord board, keeping her in her home. Without these programs, the reality is that she would have found herself back on the streets.
United Way supported programs have changed Miranda’s life, keeping her safe and stable in her home. Thank you for showing your Local Love and giving Miranda the chance to build the life she’s dreamed of and deserves.