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447 Hunter St., Woodstock, ON N4S 4G7

Privacy Policy

United Way Oxford is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information. Donor information will only be used to help us with our Campaign, to properly administer, acknowledge and recognize gifts, to process and receipt donations, to fulfill donor information requests, and to register your participation at meetings or other events. It will be disposed of in a safe and timely manner when no longer required. United Way Oxford does not sell or lease donor information. We take every step to ensure that the confidentiality of your information is maintained.

Your information is kept in a secure, confidential database for the use of United Way Oxford only. We do not provide donor information to any third parties, except for the following:

  • Processing Donations: Where sharing information is necessary, for example processing a credit card transaction
  • Legality: When we are required to do so by law

If you have any questions about protecting your personal information or our privacy policy, please feel free to contact:

Kelly Gilson
Executive Director
United Way Oxford
447 Hunter St.
Woodstock, ON N4S 4G7

T: (519) 539-3851