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447 Hunter St., Woodstock, ON N4S 4G7


  1. Women’s United

    $0.00 donated
  2. Shawn Swartman

    $11.11 donated
  3. At Work Example

    $0.00 donated
  4. Test Team

    $11.11 donated of $500.00 goal
  5. Gary Everyman

    $0.00 donated of $500.00 goal
  6. P2P Fundraising Example

    $11.11 donated
  7. Oxford’s Supplies4Students

    $4,231.90 donated
  8. Helping Kids Be All They Can Be

    $0.00 donated
  9. Helping People Move from Poverty to Possibility

    $0.00 donated
  10. Building Strong Communities Mental Health and Addiction Support

    $0.00 donated