Our next Community United Conversation will be held at 7 PM on Tuesday, September 28th.
We are excited to welcome Kelly Tallon Franklin, from Courage for Freedom, to speak on human and sex trafficking, specifically youth exploitation. With her lived experience, she worked with police and others to develop ProjectOnRoute geared to raise awareness of the issue up and down the 401 Highway; now she has launched Project Maple Leaf to stop the exploitation of children. It is a disturbing topic, and a more disturbing reality – and it is one that Oxford County is not immune to. Learn more about it, what to watch for, who to call should you see something suspicious, and what resources and supports are available.
Our Community United Conversations are free of charge, very informative and everyone is welcome to attend. We are shining a light on unignorable issues, because we can’t address issues that we don’t know exist. Please join us and invite others to as well.
To register email amanda@unitedwayoxford.ca