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447 Hunter St., Woodstock, ON N4S 4G7

Important Announcement

United Way Oxford is focused on how we can support our partners as they cope for a possible outbreak that could affect the most vulnerable members of our society. “Social distancing’ is now advised and is intended to help contain the spread of the virus.  Unfortunately, it can also cause many stresses including concerns on how to meet and /or afford basic needs as well as how to deal with a disconnection with other people.  Connections with people help create a sense of belonging, so during this difficult and uncertain time we urge everyone to look for alternate ways to connect with friends, neighbours and family, especially for those that are more vulnerable and live on their own.  Text, call, and connect to maintain that important sense of community and help others where and when you can.  We can continue to Show Our Local Love and we will get through this together!

The United Way Oxford office is now closed to the public, our staff are working remotely from home at this time and can be reached by phone and email. United Way Oxford is committed to the health, well-being and safety of our funded agencies, donors, volunteers, employees, their families and all local citizens; therefore, we are cancelling or postponing a number of special events, training sessions and activities over the next few weeks.  We will continue to monitor and adapt as required and will use our website and various social media channels to ensure that people are fully aware of our developing situation.

United Way Oxford invests in funding social services, researching and mobilizing action to create healthier communities for all.  We know that this unchartered territory will take a significant toll on the front line agencies whose staff and volunteers are facing unknown challenges as they work to continue their vital services and meet increasing needs.  Access to food, shelter and mental health supports remains critically important and we will be in close communication to help where we can, especially as there will be a financial impact hampering their efforts to serve our most vulnerable.

For additional support or resources:

  • Call 211 or visit for free 24/7 information on local social services
  • Call Reach Out at (519) 433-2023 or 1-866-933-2023 for confidential 24/7 information, support and crisis service for mental health &/or addiction concerns
  • Call South Western Public Health at 1-800-922-0096 or visit
  • Call Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000

Please stay healthy and help prevent the spread of viruses.